Monday, 11 November 2013

New Product Alert - EariGate



EARIGATE  is a unique ear cleansing system developed by leading ENT specialist, Dr John MacRae.  It’s a revolutionary ear cleaning system that helps to prevent ear wax build up and promotes healthy ear care.

The patented reverse-flow device cleans ear wax from the ear canal safely and effectively by spraying back out of the ear, without putting pressure on the delicate ear drum, as many other methods of ear cleansing do.  By preventing wax build up, Earigate helps reduce the need for syringing and other methods of ear cleansing that can be painful and damaging to ear health in the long term.

Earigate is a 100ml pressured spray can with a unique nozzle, this is the business end, it is flared at the base (to prevent over insertion) and has 2 vents allow debris to flow out of the ear, the tip of the nozzle enters around 1.7 cm into the ear canal.  Once in place you depress the cap, the "seawater" is then sprayed in reverse, clearing out wax between the tip of the nozzle and your ear opening. Imagine spraying a high pressure hose into a glass bowl and you should get a feel for the unique design feature of this tip.

 Earigate is made from 100% natural sea water.  It is isotonic, hypoallergenic and preservative free, and the innovative use of ‘bag on valve’ prevents wastage, whilst allowing us to ensure the product remains 100% natural as it is never in contact with the aerosol canister, making it superior to its competition. 

In a world of hearing aid, earplugs & headphones, Ear wax presents a bigger problem than ever before, if Earigate is used regularly it can help the ear to keep it's natural draining options open, reducing the risk of ear wax blockages and the need for syringing, however this product is not designed to treat or remove stubborn ear wax blockages.

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