Ear Wax Removal by way of Micro suction or the dreaded Ear Vacuum
We have tested many products some good, some bad and some are just awful, one product falls into that category and is known as the ear vacuum.
Micro Suction works, but only in the hands of a professional and more importantly using professional Micro Suction equipment - preparation is the key to successful ear wax removal by way of Micro-suction.
To remove stubborn ear wax blockages via micro-suction one must have already separated the hardened Cerumen from the wall of the inner ear canal for it work. The surface of the inner ear is lined with hairs and secretes Cerumen so a blockage can be difficult to remove as it is transfused within the ear, anchored in by hairs and soft/hard Cerumen.
To loosen the blockage you can either see a trained professional who will use a Speculum to seperate the blockage from the ear canal wall or you can attempt to dilute the softer Cerumen holding the blockage in place, this can be done by using olive oil or glycerin and other similar products on the market such as sodium bicarbonate, however we have found that Glycerin is faster at loosening the blockage in as little as 30 minutes.
One particular product that we are keen to draw you attention to is the dreaded Ear Vacuum that is currently being sold online on both Amazon and Ebay.
Luckily Amazon has the facility to allow customers to review products and that has laid bare the total inefficiency this product delivers to those who unfortunately have wasted their money on it.
It may look impressive, but inside that bulbous housing is a simple domestic fan, powered by a battery and an on/off switch instead of a variable controller. Having tested this product we can conclude that it lacked sufficient power to even move grains of sugar on a table and is nothing more than a cheap gimmick.
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