Monday, 28 April 2014

Earpal - The safest way to clean ears - Review


Earpal is a revolutionary product designed by medical professionals to ensure you can clean your ears safely. After years of research the Earpal has been designed in such a way that it will clean the inner ear canal without damaging it.

The smart anatomical dimensions of the Earpal, along with its CE mark are your guarantee of complete ear safety.

Extracting earwax from the ear canal is done simply and effectively using a loop made from surgical, stainless steel. As a result of the shape and dimension of Earpal it can never touch or perforate the eardrum accidentally.

Earpal was invented and developed by Dr C H Ephraim, General Practitioner in Terneusen, the Netherlands. It is patented and carries the patent NT. NL 1013681.
Conforming to the Guideline for medical devices from the European Community; document 393L0042 article 1. sub 2b, the " earpal® " as an ear cleaning device for adults, is classified as a Class-I medical device. The earpal® is manufactured and made available to the European market in conformation with these regulations. The CE mark is visible on the package. Please note that this product is only to be used by adults over the age of 18.

Our Opinion
This device has become one my favourite monthly ear maintenance devices for preventing those awful blockages from occurring, the steel loop is firm enough to scoop out hard wax
and I found that I could insert the device further into the ear canal than initially perceived was safe – this afforded me the confidence to really get in deep. There is a trick to using this, you have to guide the loop in against the wall of the ear canal, then scoop and retrieve, going in deeper each time – if you do not follow this method then the worst case scenario is finding that you are pushing the wax further down the ear canal.

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