Tuesday, 14 May 2013

All About Cerumen

The body naturally produces Cerumen (Ear Wax) by lining the ear canal to protect against infection.

The ear canal is lined with hairs that naturally move the wax out of the ear canal into the outer ear.

However on occasion, or unless you are genetically prone to lots of wax like me you have to use other measures to ensure you are not left deaf for long periods of the year. The worst thing you can do is insert Q-tips, this not only pushes wax further into the ear canal but stimulates the hairs in the ear to produce more Cerumen.

In mild cases using a olive oil in the ear can soften the wax, tilt you head, use 5 drops of olive oil and then plug the ear with some cotton wool or swimmers earplugs and leave for a few minutes.Once the wax has melted use a syringe, either a bulb syringe or the Aculife Ear Wax Removal syringe that I find most effective to wash out the ear. .Do this daily for around 4 days and that should solve most ear wax problems.

There are kit’s on the market that use Carbamide Peroxide instead of Olive Oil, I have heard lots of stories about this particular chemical causing havoc with existing perforated eardrums, so you if you are suspicious that you may have a perforated ear drum do not attempt to syringe or use any liquids, immediately consult a doctor or ENT surgeon in your area.

We stock a number of useful products on  www.earsyringe.co.uk that are all used to prevent and cure ear wax blockages. This website is devoted to all those people out there who suffer with ear wax blockages like me, so please leave your feedback and ideas on the blog.

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