Monday, 13 May 2013

Introduction, launch and welcome to

Hi and welcome to the new blog for

I have started this blog to give advice and collect feedback on the issue of ear syringing in the UK.

Historically ear syringing was always completed by a nurse, a few weeks after seeing a doctor - using a large metal syringe that created an enormous amount of pressure that removed the ear wax plugs from the ear canal.  I experienced this on many occasions and found it be uncomfortable, I was also uncomfortable with the time this took up using both a nurse and doctor for something I feel could be done from home with the right tools and a degree of competence.

Some years ago the NHS stopped syringing ears using the metal syringe due to liability claims, I understand the syringe was responsible for a number of burst ear drums that resulted in claims against the NHS.

Unfortunately I still see these syringes online both on Amazon and Ebay being sold as Ear Syringes by sellers who I am sure are not aware of the liability claims suffered by the NHS and really should take note now before it is too late.  The Metal Syringes were damaging ear drums in the hands of trained professionals, I dread to consider the damage they may do in other, less experienced hands.

It was when the NHS (temporarily) refrained from syringing blocked ears that I could not find anyone to assist my own blocked ears that I looked for a solution myself, something I could do at home, conveniently and without undue stress and that is when I came across the Acu-Life Ear Wax Removal Syringe.

This device has been selling in the USA for many years where there is no such thing as the  NHS, I decided to take a pop on a box full as ordering 1 from the USA did not make any sense due to the low price and high carriage fees.

On receipt I noticed the tip was the magic with this device, manufactured by a company in the USA called BIONIX with a registered patent.  The tip is flared to prevent over insertion and has 3 exit portals that allows wax and debris to flow out during the syringing without building up pressure.  There are also 3 jets at the tip that squirt water against the walls of the ear canal rather than straight down it - these features provided both a SAFER and more EFFECTIVE way to remove ear wax blockages and keep ears clean.

My first bit of advice would be to soften the wax with medical grade olive oil for a 2-3 days, in most circumstances you may not even have to use the ear wax removal syringe as olive oil helps the ear to drain wax naturally.

However in some circumstances it will become necessary to syringe the affected ear, if you cannot wait for a doctors appointment try the Acu-Life Ear Wax Removal Syringe you may be surprised with the outcome.

1 comment:

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